Friday, October 15, 2010

Some are gone, Summer forgotten.

Taking role of those who have disappeared in the last few months is fair. I don't easily forget one person in particular. The youtube evangelical from Buff-alo. His collage of guidos on the loft ceiling in the shop is nearing the end of its tenure. The negative internet comments on his less than stellar service remain, however. The knots he tied are almost straightened and the other remnants will fade too.

We take in our first clean breeze of Fall into our lungs as dry air with the promise of lower power bills sweeps through the swamp. Summer was long and tortured, but not as bad as some I can place. Feelings that each year my output is waning have been put to rest as I sense a shift in my accomplishments away from physical labors to delegation and conservation through technology. It seems common to most that when you visit a retail business, there is a smoothness in transactions and order. Not magic, it's hard work to create and maintain systems of information for this fluidity. Still without constant prodding, we will wander backwards into the chaotic, frenzied habits of rough, weak transactions that require much effort.

The day is mine. A rare Friday to wander. An extra day off is a tease. A run away from the taunts of work and persistent interjections of others work being fawned onto me without prejudice as the customer waits. A polite seize of nothing in particular on the way to tomorrow.