Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Something for the 4th?

Today we celebrate the great independent thought that founded this country. We celebrate individuality and the overarching common bonds we share. Our differences are the texture of America and blend to strengthen our unity and our belief that great vision and innovation will continue to be the foundations of freedom and prosperity. We are proud to be a part of this grand landscape called America! Happy Independence Day!!

Sounds like an advertisement. Color it any way you can, it's political speech and it doesn't work. We're all listening for tidbits of reality and all we see is cotton candy, sweet hollow words. Back it up, think then speak.

Living among regurgitaters is rough, especially on the day when some elite countrymen put it all on the line to start something like America. It's more conceptual than practiced. It's an ideal we will never reach, the mechanism doesn't allow that. The vigilance must be ours and not left to the words of our leaders.

But at least I'm enjoying the ride.