Sunday, December 25, 2011

Poppin' caps and no not mushrooms...

A big dope slap goes out to some of the heels of the year. First some praise:

Mr. Jim Letten aka The Mustache. You rock! Get 'um boy, sick'em.
Mitch Landrieu current da Mayor. You are everywhere, stick around for 2 turns?
Rouse's Market for makin groceries. Way to invest locally!! You got my business.

Now for some slappin:

NOPD can't collectively operate as a police department. It's nice to see y'all solved a couple of dem murders to the satisfaction uh da courts...
Courts, as in Criminal caint even figger how to ack, I mean y'all gone have me up in there in January sitting in da jury room judging you... guilty. Yep, guilty of theft, malfeasance, conspiracy, piracy, complaisance, sloth, and two other deadly sins to be mentioned later. I will convict, I will acquit, I won't put to death. There, said it, no! Don't ax.

Na. Happy Day.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Yep, gotta iPad. Don't need it, just wanted it. And of course the most expensive one is the only one that would do, the 64G 3G White AT&T iPad2.

It's very cool, unless you're into flash, which I could care less about. It doesn't crash or do flash, but I like it a lot. I can talk on the phone, yes iPhone4, type on the Macbook Pro, and Facetime on the iPad all without a cord or a care. I am the integrated Apple® experience and I like it. I don't much care what Samsung, Sony, or Microsoft is doing. I have no time for that. I'm having the best experience with the magic Apple things I've got. Weeeeee! Now to pay the bill.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Something for the 4th?

Today we celebrate the great independent thought that founded this country. We celebrate individuality and the overarching common bonds we share. Our differences are the texture of America and blend to strengthen our unity and our belief that great vision and innovation will continue to be the foundations of freedom and prosperity. We are proud to be a part of this grand landscape called America! Happy Independence Day!!

Sounds like an advertisement. Color it any way you can, it's political speech and it doesn't work. We're all listening for tidbits of reality and all we see is cotton candy, sweet hollow words. Back it up, think then speak.

Living among regurgitaters is rough, especially on the day when some elite countrymen put it all on the line to start something like America. It's more conceptual than practiced. It's an ideal we will never reach, the mechanism doesn't allow that. The vigilance must be ours and not left to the words of our leaders.

But at least I'm enjoying the ride.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Some are gone, Summer forgotten.

Taking role of those who have disappeared in the last few months is fair. I don't easily forget one person in particular. The youtube evangelical from Buff-alo. His collage of guidos on the loft ceiling in the shop is nearing the end of its tenure. The negative internet comments on his less than stellar service remain, however. The knots he tied are almost straightened and the other remnants will fade too.

We take in our first clean breeze of Fall into our lungs as dry air with the promise of lower power bills sweeps through the swamp. Summer was long and tortured, but not as bad as some I can place. Feelings that each year my output is waning have been put to rest as I sense a shift in my accomplishments away from physical labors to delegation and conservation through technology. It seems common to most that when you visit a retail business, there is a smoothness in transactions and order. Not magic, it's hard work to create and maintain systems of information for this fluidity. Still without constant prodding, we will wander backwards into the chaotic, frenzied habits of rough, weak transactions that require much effort.

The day is mine. A rare Friday to wander. An extra day off is a tease. A run away from the taunts of work and persistent interjections of others work being fawned onto me without prejudice as the customer waits. A polite seize of nothing in particular on the way to tomorrow.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

CMYK Selected Color Codes

CMYK (Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-blacK) Color Codes

This page lists the CMYK (Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-blacK) representation
of color of the form cmyk(C%, M%, Y%, K%), where C, M, Y, and K are the
percent values for the cyan, magenta, yellow, and black values of the
color. The CMYK color system is used in printing inks for paper. The CMYK system is NOT used in HTML or style sheets,
but is a popular form of color representation, and is shown here to
help you get an insight into color representation and for comparison to
the ways you can define colors in HTML or style sheets. You can use a quick reference table to help you choose from among the many color tables available.

The colors in the chart below come from a variety of sources.
Color swatches are defined by using the hexadecimal code for the color
and are sorted by CMYK. The color names are descriptive and shouldn't
be used to specify a color unless you are using the 16 named colors or
SVG colors.

Click on the Color Spot Tables: tables of color swatches and color codes used in HTML and CSS graphic on any page to see a table of color tables available or to see the meaning of the labels (Safe 16 SVG Hex3).

white cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%)
gray99 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 1%) gray98 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 2%) 
gray97 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 3%)
whitesmoke(SVG) cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 4%)gray95 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 5%)
gray94 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 6%)
gray93 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 7%)gray92 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 8%)
gray91 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 9%)
gray90 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 10%)gray89 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 11%)
gray88 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 12%)
gray87 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 13%)gray86 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 14%)
gainsboro(SVG) cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 14%)
gray85 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 15%)gray84 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 16%)
lightgray(SVG) cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 17%)
lightgrey(SVG) cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 17%)gray83 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 17%)
gray82 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 18%)
gray81 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 19%)verylightgrey cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 20%)
gray80(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 20%)
gray79 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 21%)gray78 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 22%)
gray77 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 23%)
gray76 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 24%)silver(16 SVG) cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 25%)
gray cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 25%)
gray75 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 25%)gray74 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 26%)
gray73 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 27%)
gray72 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 28%)gray71 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 29%)
gray70 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 30%)
gray69 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 31%)gray68 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 32%)
gray67 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 33%)
sgilightgray(Hex3) cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 33%)darkgrey(SVG) cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 34%)
gray66 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 34%)
darkgray(SVG) cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 34%)gray65 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 35%)
gray64 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 36%)
gray63 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 37%)gray62 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 38%)
gray61 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 39%)
gray60(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 40%)gray59 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 41%)
gray58 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 42%)
gray57 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 43%)gray56 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 44%)
gray55 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 45%)
gray54 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 46%)gray53 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 47%)
gray52 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 48%)
gray51 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 49%)gray(16 SVG) cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 50%)
gray50 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 50%)
grey(16 SVG) cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 50%)gray49 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 51%)
gray48 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 52%)
gray47 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 53%)gray46 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 54%)
gray45 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 55%)
gray44 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 56%)gray43 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 57%)
gray42 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 58%)
dimgrey(SVG) cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 59%)dimgray(SVG) cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 59%)
gray40(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 60%)
gray39 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 61%)gray38 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 62%)
gray37 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 63%)
gray36 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 64%)gray35 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 65%)
gray34 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 66%)
gray33(Hex3) cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 67%)gray32 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 68%)
gray31 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 69%)
gray30 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 70%)gray29 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 71%)
gray28 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 72%)
gray27 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 73%)gray26 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 74%)
gray25 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 75%)
gray24 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 76%)gray23 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 77%)
gray22 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 78%)
gray21 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 79%)gray20(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 80%)
gray19 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 81%)
gray18 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 82%)gray17 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 83%)
gray16 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 84%)
gray15 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 85%)gray14 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 86%)
gray13 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 87%)
gray12 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 88%)gray11 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 89%)
gray10 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 90%)
gray9 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 91%)gray8 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 92%)
gray7 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 93%)
gray6 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 94%)gray5 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 95%)
gray4 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 96%)
gray3 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 97%)gray2 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 98%)
gray1 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 99%)
black(Safe 16 SVG Hex3) cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 100%)stainless steel cmyk(0%, 0%, 2%, 12%)
ivory(SVG) cmyk(0%, 0%, 6%, 0%)
ivory2 cmyk(0%, 0%, 6%, 7%)ivory3 cmyk(0%, 0%, 6%, 20%)
ivory4 cmyk(0%, 0%, 6%, 45%)
beige(SVG) cmyk(0%, 0%, 10%, 4%)fog cmyk(0%, 0%, 10%, 20%)
lightyellow(SVG) cmyk(0%, 0%, 12%, 0%)
lightyellow2 cmyk(0%, 0%, 12%, 7%)wheat cmyk(0%, 0%, 12%, 15%)
lightyellow3 cmyk(0%, 0%, 12%, 20%)
lightyellow4 cmyk(0%, 0%, 12%, 45%)lightgoldenrodyellow(SVG) cmyk(0%, 0%, 16%, 2%)
warmgrey cmyk(0%, 0%, 18%, 50%)
bone(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 0%, 20%, 0%)mediumgoldenrod cmyk(0%, 0%, 26%, 8%)
popcornyellow(Hex3) cmyk(0%, 0%, 33%, 0%)
khaki cmyk(0%, 0%, 40%, 38%)darkolivegreen cmyk(0%, 0%, 41%, 69%)
goldenrod cmyk(0%, 0%, 49%, 14%)
papaya cmyk(0%, 0%, 51%, 0%)ganegreen(Hex3) cmyk(0%, 0%, 57%, 53%)
sgiolivedrab cmyk(0%, 0%, 61%, 44%)
brightgold cmyk(0%, 0%, 88%, 15%)yellow(Safe 16 SVG Hex3) cmyk(0%, 0%, 100%, 0%)
yellow2(Hex3) cmyk(0%, 0%, 100%, 7%)
ralphyellow(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 0%, 100%, 20%)yellow3 cmyk(0%, 0%, 100%, 20%)
yellow4 cmyk(0%, 0%, 100%, 45%)
olive(16 SVG) cmyk(0%, 0%, 100%, 50%)snow4 cmyk(0%, 1%, 1%, 45%)
coconut cmyk(0%, 1%, 19%, 0%)
lemonchiffon4 cmyk(0%, 1%, 19%, 45%)green grape cmyk(0%, 1%, 90%, 19%)
snow(SVG) cmyk(0%, 2%, 2%, 0%)
snow2 cmyk(0%, 2%, 2%, 7%)snow3 cmyk(0%, 2%, 2%, 20%)
floralwhite(SVG) cmyk(0%, 2%, 6%, 0%)
ash cmyk(0%, 2%, 9%, 22%)cornsilk3 cmyk(0%, 2%, 14%, 20%)
sgibrightgray cmyk(0%, 2%, 14%, 23%)
cornsilk4 cmyk(0%, 2%, 14%, 45%)lemonchiffon(SVG) cmyk(0%, 2%, 20%, 0%)
lemonchiffon2 cmyk(0%, 2%, 20%, 7%)
cream city brick cmyk(0%, 2%, 20%, 11%)lemonchiffon3 cmyk(0%, 2%, 20%, 20%)
oldlace(SVG) cmyk(0%, 3%, 9%, 1%)
cornsilk(SVG) cmyk(0%, 3%, 14%, 0%)cornsilk2 cmyk(0%, 3%, 14%, 7%)
palegoldenrod(SVG) cmyk(0%, 3%, 29%, 7%)
tank cmyk(0%, 3%, 35%, 62%)darkkhaki(SVG) cmyk(0%, 3%, 43%, 26%)
khaki2 cmyk(0%, 3%, 44%, 7%)
khaki3 cmyk(0%, 3%, 44%, 20%)seashell4 cmyk(0%, 4%, 6%, 45%)
seashell(SVG) cmyk(0%, 4%, 7%, 0%)
seashell2 cmyk(0%, 4%, 7%, 7%)seashell3 cmyk(0%, 4%, 7%, 20%)
titanium cmyk(0%, 4%, 7%, 29%)
linen(SVG) cmyk(0%, 4%, 8%, 2%)khaki(SVG) cmyk(0%, 4%, 42%, 6%)
khaki1 cmyk(0%, 4%, 44%, 0%)
khaki4 cmyk(0%, 4%, 44%, 45%)buttermilk cmyk(0%, 5%, 29%, 0%)
grapefruit cmyk(0%, 5%, 42%, 5%)
lavenderblush(SVG) cmyk(0%, 6%, 4%, 0%)lavenderblush2 cmyk(0%, 6%, 4%, 7%)
lavenderblush3 cmyk(0%, 6%, 4%, 20%)
lavenderblush4 cmyk(0%, 6%, 4%, 45%)antiquewhite1 cmyk(0%, 6%, 14%, 0%)
peach cmyk(0%, 6%, 14%, 0%)
antiquewhite(SVG) cmyk(0%, 6%, 14%, 2%)antiquewhite2 cmyk(0%, 6%, 14%, 7%)
antiquewhite3 cmyk(0%, 6%, 14%, 20%)
antiquewhite4 cmyk(0%, 6%, 14%, 45%)papayawhip(SVG) cmyk(0%, 6%, 16%, 0%)

corn cmyk(0%, 6%, 63%, 2%)
light goldenrod1 cmyk(0%, 7%, 45%, 0%)lightgoldenrod cmyk(0%, 7%, 45%, 7%)
light goldenrod3 cmyk(0%, 7%, 45%, 20%)
light goldenrod4 cmyk(0%, 7%, 45%, 45%)blanchedalmond(SVG) cmyk(0%, 8%, 20%, 0%)
lightgoldenrod2 cmyk(0%, 8%, 45%, 7%)
brass cmyk(0%, 8%, 64%, 29%)desert sand cmyk(0%, 9%, 16%, 0%)
eggshell cmyk(0%, 9%, 20%, 1%)
beige dark cmyk(0%, 9%, 21%, 36%)wheat1 cmyk(0%, 9%, 27%, 0%)
wheat(SVG) cmyk(0%, 9%, 27%, 4%)
wheat2 cmyk(0%, 9%, 27%, 7%)wheat3 cmyk(0%, 9%, 27%, 20%)
wheat4 cmyk(0%, 9%, 27%, 45%)
banana cmyk(0%, 9%, 62%, 11%)pink glass cmyk(0%, 10%, 2%, 17%)
mistyrose4 cmyk(0%, 10%, 12%, 45%)
bisque4 cmyk(0%, 10%, 23%, 45%)beach sand cmyk(0%, 10%, 26%, 7%)
honey cmyk(0%, 10%, 32%, 0%)
yolk cmyk(0%, 10%, 100%, 0%)blue corn chips cmyk(0%, 11%, 2%, 65%)
mistyrose(SVG) cmyk(0%, 11%, 12%, 0%)
mistyrose2 cmyk(0%, 11%, 12%, 7%)mistyrose3 cmyk(0%, 11%, 12%, 20%)
bisque(SVG) cmyk(0%, 11%, 23%, 0%)
bisque2 cmyk(0%, 11%, 23%, 7%)bisque3 cmyk(0%, 11%, 23%, 20%)
moccasin(SVG) cmyk(0%, 11%, 29%, 0%)
cadmiumlemon cmyk(0%, 11%, 99%, 0%)thistle1 cmyk(0%, 12%, 0%, 0%)
thistle2 cmyk(0%, 12%, 0%, 7%)
thistle(SVG) cmyk(0%, 12%, 0%, 15%)thistle3 cmyk(0%, 12%, 0%, 20%)
thistle4 cmyk(0%, 12%, 0%, 45%)
ivoryblack cmyk(0%, 12%, 20%, 84%)navajowhite(SVG) cmyk(0%, 13%, 32%, 0%)
navajowhite2 cmyk(0%, 13%, 32%, 7%)
navajowhite3 cmyk(0%, 13%, 32%, 20%)navajowhite4 cmyk(0%, 13%, 32%, 45%)
canvas cmyk(0%, 13%, 48%, 38%)
oldgold cmyk(0%, 13%, 71%, 19%)peachpuff4 cmyk(0%, 14%, 27%, 45%)
espresso cmyk(0%, 14%, 29%, 9%)
tan(SVG) cmyk(0%, 14%, 33%, 18%)bronze cmyk(0%, 14%, 41%, 45%)
dark wheat cmyk(0%, 14%, 44%, 9%)
corfu pink cmyk(0%, 15%, 0%, 7%)peachpuff(SVG) cmyk(0%, 15%, 27%, 0%)
peachpuff2 cmyk(0%, 15%, 27%, 7%)
peachpuff3 cmyk(0%, 15%, 27%, 20%)newtan cmyk(0%, 15%, 33%, 8%)
bread cmyk(0%, 15%, 38%, 1%)
sandstone cmyk(0%, 16%, 21%, 35%)gold(SVG) cmyk(0%, 16%, 100%, 0%)
gold2 cmyk(0%, 16%, 100%, 7%)
gold3 cmyk(0%, 16%, 100%, 20%)gold4 cmyk(0%, 16%, 100%, 45%)
pink shell cmyk(0%, 17%, 11%, 4%)
piglet snout cmyk(0%, 17%, 19%, 7%)lightwood cmyk(0%, 17%, 29%, 9%)
burlywood1 cmyk(0%, 17%, 39%, 0%)
burlywood2 cmyk(0%, 17%, 39%, 7%)burlywood(SVG) cmyk(0%, 17%, 39%, 13%)
burlywood3 cmyk(0%, 17%, 39%, 20%)
burlywood4 cmyk(0%, 17%, 39%, 45%)sign yellow cmyk(0%, 17%, 91%, 1%)
bermuda sand cmyk(0%, 18%, 17%, 4%)
light copper cmyk(0%, 18%, 38%, 7%)conch cmyk(0%, 19%, 18%, 18%)
flatpink(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 20%, 20%, 0%)
sand(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 20%, 40%, 0%)mustard(Hex3) cmyk(0%, 20%, 93%, 0%)
semisweet chocolate2 cmyk(0%, 22%, 83%, 10%)
mediumwood cmyk(0%, 23%, 40%, 35%)cheddar cmyk(0%, 23%, 59%, 0%)
rosybrown1 cmyk(0%, 24%, 24%, 0%)
rosybrown2 cmyk(0%, 24%, 24%, 7%)rosybrown3 cmyk(0%, 24%, 24%, 20%)
rosybrown(SVG) cmyk(0%, 24%, 24%, 26%)
rosybrown4 cmyk(0%, 24%, 24%, 45%)goldenrod1 cmyk(0%, 24%, 85%, 0%)
goldenrod(SVG) cmyk(0%, 24%, 85%, 15%)
goldenrod2 cmyk(0%, 24%, 86%, 7%)goldenrod3 cmyk(0%, 24%, 86%, 20%)
goldenrod4 cmyk(0%, 24%, 86%, 45%)
lavender(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 25%, 0%, 20%)pink(SVG) cmyk(0%, 25%, 20%, 0%)
bronzeii cmyk(0%, 25%, 63%, 35%)
sienna cmyk(0%, 25%, 75%, 44%)plum2 cmyk(0%, 26%, 0%, 8%)
dustyrose cmyk(0%, 26%, 26%, 48%)
melon cmyk(0%, 26%, 54%, 11%)organic tea cmyk(0%, 26%, 79%, 33%)
plum1(Hex3) cmyk(0%, 27%, 0%, 0%)
plum2 cmyk(0%, 27%, 0%, 7%)plum3 cmyk(0%, 27%, 0%, 20%)
plum4 cmyk(0%, 27%, 0%, 45%)
darkgoldenrod1 cmyk(0%, 27%, 94%, 0%)darkgoldenrod2 cmyk(0%, 27%, 94%, 7%)
darkgoldenrod3 cmyk(0%, 27%, 94%, 20%)
darkgoldenrod(SVG) cmyk(0%, 27%, 94%, 28%)darkgoldenrod4 cmyk(0%, 27%, 94%, 45%)
plum(SVG) cmyk(0%, 28%, 0%, 13%)
cotton candy cmyk(0%, 28%, 12%, 3%)ham cmyk(0%, 28%, 24%, 14%)
packer gold cmyk(0%, 28%, 92%, 1%)
pink4 cmyk(0%, 29%, 22%, 45%)pink1 cmyk(0%, 29%, 23%, 0%)
pink2 cmyk(0%, 29%, 23%, 7%)
pink3 cmyk(0%, 29%, 23%, 20%)lightpink(SVG) cmyk(0%, 29%, 24%, 0%)
darkwood cmyk(0%, 29%, 50%, 48%)
feldspar cmyk(0%, 30%, 44%, 18%)verydarkbrown cmyk(0%, 30%, 45%, 64%)
darktan cmyk(0%, 30%, 48%, 41%)
pyridiumorange cmyk(0%, 30%, 98%, 6%)purple ink cmyk(0%, 31%, 3%, 39%)
cadmium yellowlight cmyk(0%, 31%, 94%, 0%)
grape cmyk(0%, 32%, 14%, 67%)amethyst cmyk(0%, 32%, 16%, 38%)
pink cloud cmyk(0%, 32%, 26%, 4%)
peachpuff cmyk(0%, 32%, 27%, 0%)lightpink1 cmyk(0%, 32%, 27%, 0%)
lightpink2 cmyk(0%, 32%, 27%, 7%)
tongue cmyk(0%, 32%, 27%, 9%)lightpink3 cmyk(0%, 32%, 27%, 20%)
lightpink4 cmyk(0%, 32%, 27%, 45%)
dog tongue cmyk(0%, 33%, 13%, 4%)tan cmyk(0%, 33%, 49%, 14%)
sandybrown(SVG) cmyk(0%, 33%, 61%, 4%)
gold7(Hex3) cmyk(0%, 33%, 100%, 0%)aureolineyellow cmyk(0%, 34%, 86%, 0%)
naplesyellowdeep cmyk(0%, 34%, 93%, 0%)
tan1 cmyk(0%, 35%, 69%, 0%)tan2 cmyk(0%, 35%, 69%, 7%)
peru(SVG) cmyk(0%, 35%, 69%, 20%)
tan4 cmyk(0%, 35%, 69%, 45%)brick cmyk(0%, 35%, 80%, 39%)
orange(SVG) cmyk(0%, 35%, 100%, 0%)
orange2 cmyk(0%, 35%, 100%, 7%)orange3 cmyk(0%, 35%, 100%, 20%)
orange4 cmyk(0%, 35%, 100%, 45%)
purple fish cmyk(0%, 36%, 7%, 30%)darksalmon(SVG) cmyk(0%, 36%, 48%, 9%)
apricot cmyk(0%, 36%, 57%, 2%)
rawumber cmyk(0%, 36%, 84%, 55%)lightsalmon(SVG) cmyk(0%, 37%, 52%, 0%)
lightsalmon2 cmyk(0%, 37%, 52%, 7%)
lightsalmon3 cmyk(0%, 37%, 52%, 20%)lightsalmon4 cmyk(0%, 37%, 53%, 45%)
20 pound cmyk(0%, 38%, 21%, 36%)
semisweet chocolate1 cmyk(0%, 38%, 64%, 58%)copper cmyk(0%, 38%, 72%, 28%)
gold5 cmyk(0%, 38%, 75%, 20%)
gold6 cmyk(0%, 38%, 76%, 20%)cool copper cmyk(0%, 38%, 88%, 15%)
carrot cmyk(0%, 39%, 86%, 7%)
blueviolet cmyk(0%, 40%, 0%, 38%)carnation cmyk(0%, 40%, 20%, 13%)
smyrna purple cmyk(0%, 40%, 25%, 36%)
peach(Hex3) cmyk(0%, 40%, 67%, 0%)goldochre cmyk(0%, 40%, 81%, 22%)
cadmiumyellow cmyk(0%, 40%, 93%, 0%)
cinnamon(Hex3) cmyk(0%, 40%, 100%, 33%)violet cmyk(0%, 41%, 0%, 69%)
salmon5 cmyk(0%, 41%, 41%, 56%)
ochre(Hex3) cmyk(0%, 42%, 83%, 20%)bubble gum cmyk(0%, 43%, 27%, 0%)
sgisalmon cmyk(0%, 43%, 43%, 22%)
tan(Hex3) cmyk(0%, 43%, 79%, 7%)yellowochre cmyk(0%, 43%, 90%, 11%)
sea urchin cmyk(0%, 44%, 10%, 59%)
violet(SVG) cmyk(0%, 45%, 0%, 7%)salmon1 cmyk(0%, 45%, 59%, 0%)
salmon2 cmyk(0%, 45%, 59%, 7%)
salmon3 cmyk(0%, 45%, 59%, 20%)salmon4 cmyk(0%, 45%, 59%, 45%)
bakerschocolate cmyk(0%, 45%, 75%, 64%)
darkorange(SVG) cmyk(0%, 45%, 100%, 0%)lightcoral(SVG) cmyk(0%, 47%, 47%, 6%)
deepochre cmyk(0%, 47%, 77%, 55%)
mandarianorange cmyk(0%, 47%, 78%, 11%)sign brown cmyk(0%, 47%, 82%, 62%)
darkorange5 cmyk(0%, 47%, 100%, 0%)
sign orange cmyk(0%, 47%, 100%, 13%)orchid cmyk(0%, 49%, 0%, 14%)
orchid4 cmyk(0%, 49%, 1%, 45%)
orchid1 cmyk(0%, 49%, 2%, 0%)orchid2 cmyk(0%, 49%, 2%, 7%)

orchid(SVG) cmyk(0%, 49%, 2%, 15%)
orchid3 cmyk(0%, 49%, 2%, 20%)palevioletred1 cmyk(0%, 49%, 33%, 0%)
palevioletred2 cmyk(0%, 49%, 33%, 7%)
palevioletred(SVG) cmyk(0%, 49%, 33%, 14%)palevioletred3 cmyk(0%, 49%, 33%, 20%)
palevioletred4 cmyk(0%, 49%, 33%, 45%)
salmon(SVG) cmyk(0%, 49%, 54%, 2%)sienna1 cmyk(0%, 49%, 72%, 0%)
sienna2 cmyk(0%, 49%, 72%, 7%)
sienna3 cmyk(0%, 49%, 72%, 20%)sienna(SVG) cmyk(0%, 49%, 72%, 37%)
sienna4 cmyk(0%, 49%, 73%, 45%)
cinnamon cmyk(0%, 49%, 100%, 52%)coral(SVG) cmyk(0%, 50%, 69%, 0%)
chocolate1 cmyk(0%, 50%, 86%, 0%)
chocolate2 cmyk(0%, 50%, 86%, 7%)chocolate(SVG) cmyk(0%, 50%, 86%, 18%)
chocolate3 cmyk(0%, 50%, 86%, 20%)
saddlebrown(SVG) cmyk(0%, 50%, 86%, 45%)orange cmyk(0%, 50%, 100%, 0%)
darkorange1 cmyk(0%, 50%, 100%, 0%)
darkorange2 cmyk(0%, 50%, 100%, 7%)darkorange3 cmyk(0%, 50%, 100%, 20%)
darkorange4 cmyk(0%, 50%, 100%, 45%)
orange5 cmyk(0%, 51%, 75%, 0%)brownochre cmyk(0%, 51%, 77%, 47%)
marsyellow cmyk(0%, 51%, 89%, 11%)
rawsienna cmyk(0%, 51%, 90%, 22%)coffee cmyk(0%, 51%, 98%, 33%)
hotpink3 cmyk(0%, 53%, 30%, 20%)
oregon salmon(Hex3) cmyk(0%, 53%, 87%, 0%)marsorange cmyk(0%, 54%, 87%, 41%)
hotpink2 cmyk(0%, 55%, 30%, 7%)
indianred(SVG) cmyk(0%, 55%, 55%, 20%)coral1 cmyk(0%, 55%, 66%, 0%)
coral2 cmyk(0%, 55%, 66%, 7%)
coral4 cmyk(0%, 55%, 66%, 45%)thistle cmyk(0%, 56%, 14%, 29%)
coral3 cmyk(0%, 56%, 66%, 20%)
neonpink cmyk(0%, 57%, 22%, 0%)hotpink1 cmyk(0%, 57%, 29%, 0%)
hotpink4 cmyk(0%, 58%, 29%, 45%)
indianred1 cmyk(0%, 58%, 58%, 0%)indianred2 cmyk(0%, 58%, 58%, 7%)
indianred4 cmyk(0%, 58%, 58%, 45%)
hotpink(SVG) cmyk(0%, 59%, 29%, 0%)bunny eye cmyk(0%, 59%, 44%, 35%)
indianred3 cmyk(0%, 59%, 59%, 20%)
cherry cmyk(0%, 60%, 57%, 8%)seattle salmon(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 60%, 60%, 0%)
sepia cmyk(0%, 60%, 81%, 63%)
vandykebrown cmyk(0%, 60%, 95%, 63%)orange(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 60%, 100%, 0%)
sgibeet cmyk(0%, 61%, 0%, 44%)
tomato(SVG) cmyk(0%, 61%, 72%, 0%)tomato2 cmyk(0%, 61%, 72%, 7%)
tomato3 cmyk(0%, 61%, 72%, 20%)
tomato4 cmyk(0%, 61%, 73%, 45%)burntsienna cmyk(0%, 61%, 89%, 46%)
apple cmyk(0%, 62%, 55%, 20%)
cadmiumorange cmyk(0%, 62%, 99%, 0%)cola cmyk(0%, 63%, 70%, 31%)
burntumber cmyk(0%, 63%, 74%, 46%)
hematite cmyk(0%, 64%, 64%, 11%)kidney bean cmyk(0%, 65%, 92%, 31%)
chili cmyk(0%, 66%, 69%, 17%)
fleshochre cmyk(0%, 66%, 87%, 0%)brown cmyk(0%, 67%, 67%, 50%)
safety cone cmyk(0%, 67%, 80%, 0%)
chocolate(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 67%, 100%, 40%)chili powder cmyk(0%, 68%, 88%, 22%)
plum pudding cmyk(0%, 69%, 40%, 47%)
cranberry jello cmyk(0%, 69%, 54%, 4%)maroon5 cmyk(0%, 70%, 99%, 59%)
pink jeep cmyk(0%, 71%, 43%, 12%)
englishred cmyk(0%, 71%, 88%, 17%)raspberry cmyk(0%, 72%, 36%, 47%)
cranberry cmyk(0%, 73%, 41%, 29%)
maroonb0 cmyk(0%, 73%, 45%, 31%)orangered(SVG) cmyk(0%, 73%, 100%, 0%)
orangered2 cmyk(0%, 73%, 100%, 7%)
orangered3 cmyk(0%, 73%, 100%, 20%)orangered4 cmyk(0%, 73%, 100%, 45%)
violetred cmyk(0%, 75%, 25%, 20%)
maroon6 cmyk(0%, 75%, 25%, 44%)brown1 cmyk(0%, 75%, 75%, 0%)
brown2 cmyk(0%, 75%, 75%, 7%)
orange cmyk(0%, 75%, 75%, 20%)brown3 cmyk(0%, 75%, 75%, 20%)
brown(SVG) cmyk(0%, 75%, 75%, 35%)
brown cmyk(0%, 75%, 75%, 35%)firebrick5 cmyk(0%, 75%, 75%, 44%)
brown4 cmyk(0%, 75%, 75%, 45%)
violetred1 cmyk(0%, 76%, 41%, 0%)violetred2 cmyk(0%, 76%, 41%, 7%)
violetred3 cmyk(0%, 76%, 41%, 20%)
violetred4 cmyk(0%, 76%, 41%, 45%)rosemadder cmyk(0%, 76%, 75%, 11%)
greenishumber cmyk(0%, 76%, 95%, 0%)
darkpurple cmyk(0%, 77%, 11%, 47%)barney cmyk(0%, 77%, 34%, 17%)
maroon4 cmyk(0%, 80%, 29%, 45%)
maroon1 cmyk(0%, 80%, 30%, 0%)maroon2 cmyk(0%, 80%, 30%, 7%)
maroon3 cmyk(0%, 80%, 30%, 20%)
madderlakedeep cmyk(0%, 80%, 79%, 11%)novascotia salmon(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 80%, 80%, 0%)
nectarine(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 80%, 100%, 0%)
deeppurple cmyk(0%, 81%, 40%, 67%)ruby red cmyk(0%, 81%, 73%, 22%)
burntsienna cmyk(0%, 81%, 80%, 67%)
firebrick1 cmyk(0%, 81%, 81%, 0%)brownmadder cmyk(0%, 81%, 81%, 14%)
firebrick3 cmyk(0%, 81%, 81%, 20%)
firebrick(SVG) cmyk(0%, 81%, 81%, 30%)firebrick4 cmyk(0%, 81%, 81%, 45%)
harold's crayon cmyk(0%, 82%, 27%, 29%)
firebrick2 cmyk(0%, 82%, 82%, 7%)permanent redviolet cmyk(0%, 83%, 68%, 14%)
sign red cmyk(0%, 83%, 74%, 31%)
alizarincrimson cmyk(0%, 83%, 76%, 11%)bordeaux cmyk(0%, 84%, 71%, 40%)
scarlet cmyk(0%, 84%, 84%, 45%)
violetred cmyk(0%, 85%, 31%, 18%)orangered cmyk(0%, 86%, 100%, 0%)
indianred cmyk(0%, 87%, 82%, 31%)
venetianred cmyk(0%, 88%, 85%, 17%)spicypink cmyk(0%, 89%, 32%, 0%)
mediumvioletred(SVG) cmyk(0%, 89%, 33%, 22%)
cadmiumreddeep cmyk(0%, 90%, 94%, 11%)crimson(SVG) cmyk(0%, 91%, 73%, 14%)
deeppink(SVG) cmyk(0%, 92%, 42%, 0%)
deeppink2 cmyk(0%, 92%, 42%, 7%)deeppink3 cmyk(0%, 92%, 42%, 20%)
geraniumlake cmyk(0%, 92%, 79%, 11%)
bloodorange(Hex3) cmyk(0%, 92%, 100%, 20%)deeppink4 cmyk(0%, 93%, 42%, 45%)
burgundy cmyk(0%, 97%, 95%, 38%)
cadmiumredlight cmyk(0%, 99%, 95%, 0%)magenta(Safe 16=fuchsia SVG Hex3) cmyk(0%, 100%, 0%, 0%)
fuchsia(Safe 16 SVG Hex3) cmyk(0%, 100%, 0%, 0%)
magenta2(Hex3) cmyk(0%, 100%, 0%, 7%)magenta3 cmyk(0%, 100%, 0%, 20%)
truepurple(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 100%, 0%, 40%)
darkmagenta(SVG) cmyk(0%, 100%, 0%, 45%)purple(16 SVG) cmyk(0%, 100%, 0%, 50%)
rose(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 100%, 20%, 0%)
fuchsia2(Hex3) cmyk(0%, 100%, 33%, 0%)orangered cmyk(0%, 100%, 50%, 0%)
broadwaypink(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 100%, 60%, 0%)
bright red(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 100%, 80%, 0%)red(Safe 16 SVG Hex3) cmyk(0%, 100%, 100%, 0%)
red2(Hex3) cmyk(0%, 100%, 100%, 7%)
red3 cmyk(0%, 100%, 100%, 20%)darkred(SVG) cmyk(0%, 100%, 100%, 45%)
maroon(16 SVG) cmyk(0%, 100%, 100%, 50%)
bloodred(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 100%, 100%, 60%)darkcherryred(Safe Hex3) cmyk(0%, 100%, 100%, 80%)
titaniumwhite cmyk(1%, 0%, 6%, 0%)
battleship cmyk(1%, 0%, 7%, 18%)zincwhite cmyk(1%, 3%, 0%, 0%)
lavender field cmyk(2%, 37%, 0%, 53%)
turnip cmyk(2%, 56%, 0%, 33%)ghostwhite(SVG) cmyk(3%, 3%, 0%, 0%)
mintcream(SVG) cmyk(4%, 0%, 2%, 0%)
chrome cmyk(4%, 0%, 12%, 5%)celery cmyk(4%, 0%, 39%, 16%)
eggplant cmyk(4%, 24%, 0%, 47%)
moon cmyk(5%, 0%, 3%, 10%)camo1 cmyk(5%, 0%, 10%, 14%)
fire truck green cmyk(5%, 0%, 98%, 16%)
azure(SVG) cmyk(6%, 0%, 0%, 0%)azure2 cmyk(6%, 0%, 0%, 7%)
azure3 cmyk(6%, 0%, 0%, 20%)
azure4 cmyk(6%, 0%, 0%, 45%)honeydew(SVG) cmyk(6%, 0%, 6%, 0%)
honeydew2 cmyk(6%, 0%, 6%, 7%)
honeydew3 cmyk(6%, 0%, 6%, 20%)honeydew4 cmyk(6%, 0%, 6%, 45%)
park ranger cmyk(6%, 0%, 9%, 70%)
flight jacket cmyk(6%, 0%, 11%, 47%)avocado cmyk(6%, 0%, 55%, 37%)
aliceblue(SVG) cmyk(6%, 3%, 0%, 0%)
coldgrey cmyk(7%, 0%, 2%, 46%)wasabi sauce cmyk(7%, 0%, 57%, 27%)
aluminum cmyk(7%, 5%, 0%, 29%)
violet cmyk(7%, 39%, 0%, 40%)brushed aluminum cmyk(8%, 0%, 4%, 23%)
new $20 cmyk(8%, 0%, 9%, 22%)
cantaloupe cmyk(8%, 0%, 10%, 34%)pear cmyk(8%, 0%, 78%, 11%)

silver cmyk(8%, 7%, 0%, 2%)
lavender(SVG) cmyk(8%, 8%, 0%, 2%)cobaltvioletdeep cmyk(8%, 79%, 0%, 38%)
lizard cmyk(9%, 0%, 18%, 61%)
seaweed cmyk(10%, 0%, 15%, 56%)iceberg lettuce cmyk(10%, 0%, 50%, 11%)
garden plum cmyk(10%, 21%, 0%, 51%)
indigo tile cmyk(10%, 31%, 0%, 50%)blue ice cmyk(11%, 0%, 2%, 4%)
seaweed roll cmyk(11%, 0%, 19%, 49%)
cactus cmyk(11%, 0%, 22%, 56%)limepulp cmyk(11%, 0%, 39%, 7%)
key lime pie cmyk(11%, 0%, 55%, 21%)
quartz cmyk(11%, 11%, 0%, 5%)lightcyan(SVG) cmyk(12%, 0%, 0%, 0%)
lightcyan2 cmyk(12%, 0%, 0%, 7%)
lightblue cmyk(12%, 0%, 0%, 15%)lightcyan3 cmyk(12%, 0%, 0%, 20%)
lightcyan4 cmyk(12%, 0%, 0%, 45%)
lichen cmyk(12%, 0%, 19%, 15%)heather blue cmyk(12%, 6%, 0%, 18%)
mediumorchid1 cmyk(12%, 60%, 0%, 0%)
mediumorchid2 cmyk(12%, 60%, 0%, 7%)mediumorchid(SVG) cmyk(12%, 60%, 0%, 17%)
mediumorchid3 cmyk(12%, 60%, 0%, 20%)
mediumorchid4 cmyk(12%, 60%, 0%, 45%)mint ice cream cmyk(13%, 0%, 16%, 11%)
green goo cmyk(13%, 0%, 21%, 46%)
melonrindgreen cmyk(13%, 0%, 35%, 0%)mint blue cmyk(14%, 0%, 2%, 0%)
shamrock shake cmyk(14%, 0%, 13%, 18%)
camo3 cmyk(14%, 0%, 23%, 29%)kermit cmyk(14%, 0%, 90%, 26%)
green cheese cmyk(15%, 0%, 24%, 34%)
green quartz cmyk(15%, 0%, 25%, 36%)od green cmyk(15%, 0%, 27%, 68%)
martini olive cmyk(15%, 0%, 57%, 36%)
army uniform cmyk(16%, 0%, 2%, 75%)vanilla mint cmyk(16%, 0%, 11%, 16%)
camo2 cmyk(16%, 0%, 18%, 21%)
broccoli cmyk(16%, 0%, 30%, 59%)avacado cmyk(16%, 0%, 55%, 24%)
blue nile cmyk(16%, 14%, 0%, 42%)
ultramarineviolet cmyk(16%, 67%, 0%, 57%)pond scum cmyk(17%, 0%, 29%, 51%)
soylent green cmyk(17%, 0%, 33%, 34%)
cat eye cmyk(17%, 0%, 63%, 10%)dolphin cmyk(17%, 14%, 0%, 48%)
snake cmyk(18%, 0%, 20%, 58%)
kiwi cmyk(18%, 0%, 34%, 40%)safety vest cmyk(18%, 0%, 84%, 4%)
robin's egg cmyk(18%, 4%, 0%, 7%)
LCD back cmyk(19%, 0%, 13%, 29%)tea leaves cmyk(19%, 0%, 20%, 54%)
sweet potato vine cmyk(19%, 0%, 71%, 21%)
chartreuse verte cmyk(19%, 0%, 76%, 9%)blue dog cmyk(19%, 9%, 0%, 60%)
offwhitegreen(Safe Hex3) cmyk(20%, 0%, 20%, 0%)
green hornet cmyk(20%, 0%, 36%, 48%)pea cmyk(20%, 0%, 58%, 41%)
chromeoxidegreen cmyk(20%, 0%, 84%, 50%)
offwhiteblue(Safe Hex3) cmyk(20%, 20%, 0%, 0%)grape(Safe Hex3) cmyk(20%, 100%, 0%, 0%)
green mist cmyk(21%, 0%, 39%, 7%)
darkolivegreen1 cmyk(21%, 0%, 56%, 0%)darkolivegreen2 cmyk(21%, 0%, 56%, 7%)
darkolivegreen3 cmyk(21%, 0%, 56%, 20%)
darkolivegreen4 cmyk(21%, 0%, 56%, 45%)darkolivegreen(SVG) cmyk(21%, 0%, 56%, 58%)
lightsteelblue1 cmyk(21%, 12%, 0%, 0%)
lightsteelblue2 cmyk(21%, 12%, 0%, 7%)lightsteelblue(SVG) cmyk(21%, 12%, 0%, 13%)
lightsteelblue3 cmyk(21%, 12%, 0%, 20%)
lightsteelblue4 cmyk(21%, 12%, 0%, 45%)england pound cmyk(22%, 0%, 15%, 48%)
pastel blue cmyk(22%, 2%, 0%, 4%)
slategray1 cmyk(22%, 11%, 0%, 0%)slategray2 cmyk(22%, 11%, 0%, 7%)
slategray3 cmyk(22%, 11%, 0%, 20%)
lightslategrey(SVG Hex3) cmyk(22%, 11%, 0%, 40%)lightslategray(SVG Hex3) cmyk(22%, 11%, 0%, 40%)
slategrey(SVG) cmyk(22%, 11%, 0%, 44%)
slategray(SVG) cmyk(22%, 11%, 0%, 44%)slategray4 cmyk(22%, 12%, 0%, 45%)
green bark cmyk(23%, 0%, 10%, 55%)
fisherman's float cmyk(23%, 0%, 11%, 51%)guacamole cmyk(23%, 0%, 38%, 16%)
jolly green cmyk(23%, 0%, 88%, 20%)
goldgreen(Hex3) cmyk(23%, 0%, 100%, 13%)powderblue(SVG) cmyk(23%, 3%, 0%, 10%)
purple rain cmyk(23%, 50%, 0%, 46%)
darkseagreen1 cmyk(24%, 0%, 24%, 0%)darkseagreen2 cmyk(24%, 0%, 24%, 7%)
darkseagreen3 cmyk(24%, 0%, 24%, 20%)
darkseagreen(SVG) cmyk(24%, 0%, 24%, 26%)darkseagreen4 cmyk(24%, 0%, 24%, 45%)
olivedrab4 cmyk(24%, 0%, 76%, 45%)
lightsteelblue cmyk(24%, 24%, 0%, 26%)wavecrest cmyk(25%, 0%, 2%, 20%)
liberty cmyk(25%, 0%, 5%, 14%)
blue fern cmyk(25%, 0%, 15%, 39%)eton blue cmyk(25%, 0%, 19%, 22%)
mint green cmyk(25%, 0%, 20%, 1%)
yellowgreen2 cmyk(25%, 0%, 75%, 20%)olivedrab(SVG) cmyk(25%, 0%, 75%, 44%)
olivedrab1 cmyk(25%, 0%, 76%, 0%)
olivedrab2 cmyk(25%, 0%, 76%, 7%)yellowgreen(SVG) cmyk(25%, 0%, 76%, 20%)
lightblue1 cmyk(25%, 6%, 0%, 0%)
lightblue2 cmyk(25%, 6%, 0%, 7%)lightblue(SVG) cmyk(25%, 6%, 0%, 10%)
lightblue3 cmyk(25%, 6%, 0%, 20%)
lightblue4 cmyk(25%, 6%, 0%, 45%)violet flower cmyk(25%, 63%, 0%, 0%)
darkorchid(SVG) cmyk(25%, 75%, 0%, 20%)
darkslateblue cmyk(25%, 75%, 0%, 44%)darkorchid1 cmyk(25%, 76%, 0%, 0%)
darkorchid2 cmyk(25%, 76%, 0%, 7%)
darkorchid3 cmyk(25%, 76%, 0%, 20%)darkorchid cmyk(25%, 76%, 0%, 20%)
darkorchid4 cmyk(25%, 76%, 0%, 45%)
paleturquoise(SVG) cmyk(26%, 0%, 0%, 7%)turquoise cmyk(26%, 0%, 0%, 8%)
wet moss cmyk(26%, 0%, 50%, 68%)
fenway grass cmyk(26%, 0%, 52%, 56%)paleturquoise1(Hex3) cmyk(27%, 0%, 0%, 0%)
paleturquoise2 cmyk(27%, 0%, 0%, 7%)
paleturquoise3 cmyk(27%, 0%, 0%, 20%)paleturquoise4 cmyk(27%, 0%, 0%, 45%)
pumice cmyk(27%, 0%, 16%, 36%)
palm cmyk(27%, 0%, 50%, 49%)green ash cmyk(28%, 0%, 6%, 44%)
pastel green cmyk(28%, 0%, 19%, 20%)
Coke bottle cmyk(28%, 0%, 19%, 34%)fraser fir cmyk(28%, 0%, 25%, 58%)
spinach cmyk(28%, 0%, 42%, 64%)
romaine lettuce cmyk(29%, 0%, 58%, 67%)pea cmyk(30%, 0%, 59%, 33%)
wild violet cmyk(30%, 94%, 0%, 27%)
darkviolet(SVG) cmyk(30%, 100%, 0%, 17%)putting cmyk(31%, 0%, 34%, 40%)
frog cmyk(31%, 0%, 44%, 25%)
lightskyblue1 cmyk(31%, 11%, 0%, 0%)lightskyblue2 cmyk(31%, 11%, 0%, 7%)
lightskyblue3 cmyk(31%, 11%, 0%, 20%)
lightskyblue4 cmyk(31%, 12%, 0%, 45%)cerulean blue cmyk(31%, 13%, 0%, 11%)
blue tuna cmyk(31%, 18%, 0%, 41%)
bluegrass cmyk(32%, 0%, 11%, 56%)100 euro cmyk(32%, 0%, 37%, 22%)
forestgreen2 cmyk(32%, 0%, 54%, 51%)
greenyellow(SVG) cmyk(32%, 0%, 82%, 0%)isle royale greenstone cmyk(33%, 0%, 17%, 61%)
obsidian cmyk(33%, 0%, 26%, 64%)
greenyellow cmyk(33%, 0%, 49%, 14%)noble fir cmyk(33%, 0%, 51%, 58%)
periwinkle(Hex3) cmyk(33%, 33%, 0%, 0%)
mediumpurple1 cmyk(33%, 49%, 0%, 0%)mediumpurple2 cmyk(33%, 49%, 0%, 7%)
mediumpurple(SVG) cmyk(33%, 49%, 0%, 14%)
mediumpurple3 cmyk(33%, 49%, 0%, 20%)mediumpurple4 cmyk(33%, 49%, 0%, 45%)
purple cmyk(33%, 87%, 0%, 6%)
concord grape cmyk(33%, 99%, 0%, 40%)purple6(Hex3) cmyk(33%, 100%, 0%, 0%)
lightblue cmyk(34%, 0%, 0%, 15%)
douglas fir cmyk(34%, 0%, 55%, 62%)kakapo cmyk(34%, 0%, 69%, 56%)
lindsay eyes cmyk(34%, 6%, 0%, 40%)
greencopper cmyk(35%, 0%, 7%, 50%)lampblack cmyk(35%, 0%, 17%, 72%)
green apple cmyk(35%, 0%, 67%, 41%)
sgilightblue cmyk(35%, 18%, 0%, 25%)green visor cmyk(36%, 0%, 16%, 53%)
scotland pound cmyk(36%, 0%, 27%, 56%)
greenstamp cmyk(36%, 0%, 34%, 43%)green moth cmyk(36%, 0%, 45%, 25%)
tree moss cmyk(36%, 0%, 68%, 38%)
darkgreencopper cmyk(37%, 0%, 7%, 54%)shamrock cmyk(37%, 0%, 25%, 60%)
green soap cmyk(37%, 0%, 42%, 13%)
olive3b cmyk(37%, 0%, 54%, 63%)limerind cmyk(37%, 0%, 71%, 69%)
old copper cmyk(37%, 3%, 0%, 28%)
lake huron cmyk(37%, 16%, 0%, 42%)blue corn cmyk(37%, 21%, 0%, 68%)
palegreen(SVG) cmyk(39%, 0%, 39%, 2%)
lightgreen(SVG) cmyk(39%, 0%, 39%, 7%)fenway monster cmyk(39%, 2%, 0%, 52%)
blue shark cmyk(39%, 13%, 0%, 32%)
blue cow cmyk(39%, 23%, 0%, 12%)blue jeans cmyk(39%, 24%, 0%, 58%)

purple1 cmyk(39%, 81%, 0%, 0%)
blueviolet(SVG) cmyk(39%, 81%, 0%, 11%)purple3 cmyk(39%, 81%, 0%, 20%)
purple4 cmyk(39%, 81%, 0%, 45%)
purple2 cmyk(39%, 82%, 0%, 7%)cadetblue cmyk(40%, 0%, 0%, 38%)
green agate cmyk(40%, 0%, 2%, 55%)
palegreen1 cmyk(40%, 0%, 40%, 0%)palegreen3 cmyk(40%, 0%, 40%, 20%)
palegreen4 cmyk(40%, 0%, 40%, 45%)
night vision cmyk(40%, 0%, 45%, 20%)terreverte cmyk(40%, 0%, 84%, 63%)
cadetblue1 cmyk(40%, 4%, 0%, 0%)
cadetblue2 cmyk(40%, 4%, 0%, 7%)cadetblue3 cmyk(40%, 4%, 0%, 20%)
cadetblue4 cmyk(40%, 4%, 0%, 45%)
LCD dark cmyk(40%, 11%, 0%, 47%)darkslategray1 cmyk(41%, 0%, 0%, 0%)
darkslategray2 cmyk(41%, 0%, 0%, 7%)
darkslategray3 cmyk(41%, 0%, 0%, 20%)darkslategray4 cmyk(41%, 0%, 0%, 45%)
darkslategrey(SVG) cmyk(41%, 0%, 0%, 69%)
darkslategray(SVG) cmyk(41%, 0%, 0%, 69%)mediumseagreen cmyk(41%, 0%, 41%, 56%)
darkgreen cmyk(41%, 0%, 41%, 69%)
cadetblue(SVG) cmyk(41%, 1%, 0%, 37%)lake superior cmyk(41%, 22%, 0%, 47%)
nikko blue cmyk(41%, 36%, 0%, 13%)
cornflowerblue cmyk(41%, 41%, 0%, 56%)midnightblue cmyk(41%, 41%, 0%, 69%)
green party cmyk(42%, 0%, 26%, 58%)
emerald cmyk(42%, 0%, 36%, 39%)green algae cmyk(42%, 0%, 43%, 33%)
lake erie cmyk(42%, 21%, 0%, 35%)
seurat blue cmyk(42%, 22%, 0%, 23%)indigo(SVG) cmyk(42%, 100%, 0%, 49%)
cool mint cmyk(43%, 0%, 1%, 0%)
sgichartreuse cmyk(43%, 0%, 43%, 22%)circuit board cmyk(43%, 0%, 60%, 60%)
skyblue(SVG) cmyk(43%, 12%, 0%, 8%)
sgislate blue cmyk(43%, 43%, 0%, 22%)presidential blue cmyk(43%, 49%, 0%, 67%)
green scrubs cmyk(44%, 0%, 8%, 44%)
blueberry cmyk(44%, 23%, 0%, 18%)cooler cmyk(45%, 0%, 10%, 71%)
holly cmyk(45%, 0%, 85%, 49%)
malta blue cmyk(45%, 20%, 0%, 42%)cat eye cmyk(45%, 24%, 0%, 13%)
indigo cmyk(45%, 90%, 0%, 67%)
packer green cmyk(46%, 0%, 21%, 76%)cinnabargreen cmyk(46%, 0%, 77%, 30%)
lightskyblue(SVG) cmyk(46%, 18%, 0%, 2%)
green gables cmyk(47%, 0%, 8%, 54%)mediterranean cmyk(47%, 0%, 8%, 54%)
neon green cmyk(47%, 0%, 82%, 4%)
blue sponge cmyk(47%, 18%, 0%, 31%)skyblue1 cmyk(47%, 19%, 0%, 0%)
skyblue2 cmyk(47%, 19%, 0%, 7%)
skyblue3 cmyk(47%, 19%, 0%, 20%)skyblue4 cmyk(47%, 19%, 0%, 45%)
blue whale cmyk(48%, 21%, 0%, 50%)
richblue cmyk(48%, 48%, 0%, 33%)lightslateblue cmyk(48%, 56%, 0%, 0%)
mediumslateblue(SVG) cmyk(48%, 56%, 0%, 7%)
slateblue(SVG) cmyk(48%, 56%, 0%, 20%)darkslateblue(SVG) cmyk(48%, 56%, 0%, 45%)
mediumturquoise cmyk(49%, 0%, 0%, 14%)
ooze cmyk(49%, 0%, 23%, 52%)aquamarine cmyk(49%, 0%, 33%, 14%)
blue mist cmyk(49%, 18%, 0%, 1%)
darkturquoise cmyk(49%, 33%, 0%, 14%)slateblue1 cmyk(49%, 56%, 0%, 0%)
slateblue2 cmyk(49%, 57%, 0%, 7%)
slateblue3 cmyk(49%, 57%, 0%, 20%)slateblue4 cmyk(49%, 57%, 0%, 45%)
aqua(Safe Hex3) cmyk(50%, 0%, 0%, 20%)
aquamarine(SVG) cmyk(50%, 0%, 17%, 0%)aquamarine2 cmyk(50%, 0%, 17%, 7%)
mediumaquamarine(SVG) cmyk(50%, 0%, 17%, 20%)
aquamarine4 cmyk(50%, 0%, 17%, 45%)chartreuse(SVG) cmyk(50%, 0%, 100%, 0%)
chartreuse2 cmyk(50%, 0%, 100%, 7%)
chartreuse3 cmyk(50%, 0%, 100%, 20%)chartreuse4 cmyk(50%, 0%, 100%, 45%)
blue stone cmyk(50%, 28%, 0%, 38%)
mediumslateblue2 cmyk(50%, 100%, 0%, 0%)leaf cmyk(51%, 0%, 67%, 32%)
lawngreen(SVG) cmyk(51%, 0%, 100%, 1%)
pacific blue cmyk(51%, 19%, 0%, 58%)aquamarine cmyk(51%, 25%, 0%, 37%)
forget me nots cmyk(51%, 29%, 0%, 0%)
curacao cmyk(51%, 52%, 0%, 27%)dress blue cmyk(51%, 59%, 0%, 53%)
blue deep cmyk(52%, 97%, 0%, 55%)
cucumber cmyk(53%, 0%, 32%, 64%)lake ontario cmyk(53%, 31%, 0%, 36%)
park bench cmyk(54%, 0%, 32%, 61%)
green pepper cmyk(54%, 0%, 98%, 51%)blue ice cmyk(54%, 25%, 0%, 2%)
blue green algae cmyk(55%, 0%, 14%, 48%)
old money cmyk(55%, 0%, 37%, 56%)pollock blue cmyk(55%, 35%, 0%, 33%)
neptune cmyk(55%, 36%, 0%, 5%)
green lantern cmyk(56%, 0%, 60%, 45%)swimming pool cmyk(56%, 3%, 0%, 7%)
fresh green cmyk(57%, 0%, 28%, 15%)
viridianlight cmyk(57%, 0%, 56%, 0%)carolina blue cmyk(57%, 19%, 0%, 24%)
liz eyes cmyk(57%, 21%, 0%, 55%)
blue bird cmyk(57%, 33%, 0%, 33%)blue lagoon cmyk(58%, 0%, 10%, 28%)
cobaltgreen cmyk(58%, 0%, 56%, 43%)
cornflowerblue(SVG) cmyk(58%, 37%, 0%, 7%)green M&M cmyk(59%, 0%, 58%, 28%)
grass cmyk(59%, 0%, 73%, 26%)
kelly cmyk(59%, 0%, 88%, 27%)surf cmyk(59%, 14%, 0%, 4%)
lake michigan cmyk(59%, 14%, 0%, 24%)
blue grapes cmyk(59%, 49%, 0%, 44%)green taxi cmyk(60%, 0%, 51%, 38%)
wasabi(Safe Hex3) cmyk(60%, 0%, 60%, 0%)
neon blue cmyk(60%, 22%, 0%, 0%)tropical blue cmyk(60%, 28%, 0%, 4%)
cobalt(Safe Hex3) cmyk(60%, 60%, 0%, 0%)
blue safe(Safe Hex3) cmyk(60%, 100%, 0%, 0%)sgiteal cmyk(61%, 0%, 0%, 44%)
clover cmyk(61%, 0%, 47%, 37%)
steelblue1 cmyk(61%, 28%, 0%, 0%)steelblue2 cmyk(61%, 28%, 0%, 7%)
steelblue3 cmyk(61%, 28%, 0%, 20%)
steelblue(SVG) cmyk(61%, 28%, 0%, 29%)steelblue4 cmyk(61%, 28%, 0%, 45%)
denim cmyk(61%, 33%, 0%, 33%)
chemical suit cmyk(61%, 36%, 0%, 10%)blue train cmyk(61%, 41%, 0%, 42%)
la maison bleue cmyk(62%, 31%, 0%, 0%)
wales cmyk(63%, 0%, 64%, 21%)sapgreen cmyk(63%, 0%, 84%, 50%)
green LED cmyk(63%, 0%, 96%, 1%)
greek roof cmyk(63%, 34%, 0%, 37%)natural gas cmyk(63%, 41%, 0%, 4%)
masters jacket cmyk(64%, 0%, 13%, 75%)
octopus cmyk(64%, 0%, 36%, 43%)cobalt cmyk(64%, 48%, 0%, 33%)
natural turquoise cmyk(65%, 0%, 6%, 24%)
huntergreen cmyk(65%, 0%, 65%, 63%)blue spider cmyk(65%, 36%, 0%, 57%)
blue ridge mtns cmyk(65%, 37%, 0%, 19%)
big blue bus cmyk(65%, 39%, 0%, 35%)mediumturquoise(SVG) cmyk(66%, 0%, 2%, 18%)
mediumseagreen(SVG) cmyk(66%, 0%, 37%, 30%)
green line cmyk(66%, 0%, 43%, 42%)blue pill cmyk(66%, 39%, 0%, 7%)
seagreen(SVG) cmyk(67%, 0%, 37%, 45%)
seagreen1 cmyk(67%, 0%, 38%, 0%)seagreen2 cmyk(67%, 0%, 38%, 7%)
seagreen3 cmyk(67%, 0%, 38%, 20%)
blue angels cmyk(67%, 39%, 0%, 49%)Nerf green cmyk(68%, 0%, 94%, 11%)
electric turquoise cmyk(69%, 0%, 19%, 9%)
go cmyk(69%, 0%, 34%, 16%)delft cmyk(69%, 55%, 0%, 58%)
atlantic green cmyk(70%, 0%, 8%, 44%)
blue bucket cmyk(70%, 36%, 0%, 4%)neonblue cmyk(70%, 70%, 0%, 0%)
turquoise(SVG) cmyk(71%, 0%, 7%, 12%)
aquaman cmyk(71%, 0%, 48%, 26%)mailbox cmyk(71%, 40%, 0%, 35%)
st louis blues cmyk(71%, 46%, 0%, 41%)
royalblue(SVG) cmyk(71%, 53%, 0%, 12%)aquarium cmyk(72%, 0%, 12%, 33%)
nypd blue cmyk(72%, 11%, 0%, 20%)
royalblue1 cmyk(72%, 54%, 0%, 0%)royalblue2 cmyk(72%, 54%, 0%, 7%)
royalblue3 cmyk(72%, 54%, 0%, 20%)
royalblue4 cmyk(72%, 54%, 0%, 45%)pabst blue cmyk(72%, 60%, 0%, 44%)
6 ball cmyk(73%, 0%, 17%, 61%)
pool table cmyk(74%, 0%, 58%, 27%)caribbean cmyk(74%, 24%, 0%, 2%)
pacific green cmyk(75%, 0%, 8%, 14%)
mediumaquamarine2 cmyk(75%, 0%, 25%, 20%)seagreen cmyk(75%, 0%, 27%, 44%)
peacock cmyk(75%, 20%, 0%, 21%)
summersky cmyk(75%, 21%, 0%, 13%)skyblue6 cmyk(75%, 25%, 0%, 20%)
steelblue cmyk(75%, 25%, 0%, 44%)
mediumblue cmyk(75%, 75%, 0%, 20%)navyblue cmyk(75%, 75%, 0%, 44%)
indigo2 cmyk(76%, 0%, 24%, 47%)
mediumaquamarine3 cmyk(76%, 0%, 25%, 20%)limegreen(SVG) cmyk(76%, 0%, 76%, 20%)

forestgreen(SVG) cmyk(76%, 0%, 76%, 45%)
parrot cmyk(76%, 45%, 0%, 14%)mediumblue cmyk(76%, 76%, 0%, 20%)
emeraldgreen2 cmyk(77%, 0%, 29%, 32%)
blue line cmyk(77%, 27%, 0%, 13%)metallic mint cmyk(78%, 0%, 0%, 1%)
midnightblue(SVG) cmyk(78%, 78%, 0%, 56%)
parrotgreen(Safe Hex3) cmyk(80%, 0%, 80%, 0%)royalblue(Safe Hex3) cmyk(80%, 80%, 0%, 0%)
cornflower(Safe Hex3) cmyk(80%, 100%, 0%, 0%)
alaska sky cmyk(81%, 55%, 0%, 45%)lightseagreen(SVG) cmyk(82%, 0%, 4%, 30%)
bottle green cmyk(82%, 0%, 66%, 36%)
stained glass cmyk(82%, 78%, 0%, 0%)emerald city cmyk(83%, 0%, 17%, 25%)
garden hose cmyk(87%, 0%, 26%, 44%)
ultramarine cmyk(87%, 93%, 0%, 44%)malachite cmyk(88%, 0%, 13%, 50%)
dodgerblue3 cmyk(88%, 43%, 0%, 20%)
dodgerblue(SVG) cmyk(88%, 44%, 0%, 0%)dodgerblue2 cmyk(88%, 44%, 0%, 7%)
dodgerblue4 cmyk(88%, 44%, 0%, 45%)
peafowl cmyk(88%, 49%, 0%, 5%)banker's lamp cmyk(90%, 0%, 59%, 45%)
ulysses butterfly cmyk(92%, 59%, 0%, 4%)
turquoise cmyk(93%, 0%, 21%, 13%)diamond blue cmyk(94%, 18%, 0%, 9%)
sea green cmyk(95%, 0%, 2%, 48%)
permanentgreen cmyk(95%, 0%, 79%, 21%)police strobe cmyk(96%, 29%, 0%, 0%)
manganeseblue cmyk(98%, 0%, 6%, 34%)
teal LED cmyk(98%, 7%, 0%, 0%)indiglo cmyk(98%, 9%, 0%, 0%)
cerulean cmyk(98%, 10%, 0%, 20%)
mouthwash cmyk(99%, 0%, 5%, 23%)picasso blue cmyk(99%, 53%, 0%, 1%)
aqua(Safe 16 SVG Hex3) cmyk(100%, 0%, 0%, 0%)
cyan(Safe 16=aqua SVG Hex3) cmyk(100%, 0%, 0%, 0%)cyan2(Hex3) cmyk(100%, 0%, 0%, 7%)
cyan3 cmyk(100%, 0%, 0%, 20%)
darkcyan(SVG) cmyk(100%, 0%, 0%, 45%)teal(16 SVG) cmyk(100%, 0%, 0%, 50%)
light teal(Safe Hex3) cmyk(100%, 0%, 20%, 0%)
sign green cmyk(100%, 0%, 21%, 58%)turquoiseblue cmyk(100%, 0%, 30%, 22%)
seagreen(Hex3) cmyk(100%, 0%, 33%, 0%)
mediumspringgreen(SVG) cmyk(100%, 0%, 38%, 2%)springgreen(SVG) cmyk(100%, 0%, 50%, 0%)
springgreen2 cmyk(100%, 0%, 50%, 7%)
springgreen3 cmyk(100%, 0%, 50%, 20%)springgreen4 cmyk(100%, 0%, 50%, 45%)
starbucks(Safe Hex3) cmyk(100%, 0%, 50%, 60%)
emeraldgreen cmyk(100%, 0%, 57%, 21%)neonavocado(Safe Hex3) cmyk(100%, 0%, 60%, 0%)
truegreen cmyk(100%, 0%, 71%, 31%)
celtics cmyk(100%, 0%, 71%, 62%)springgreen(Safe Hex3) cmyk(100%, 0%, 80%, 0%)
lime(Safe 16 SVG Hex3) cmyk(100%, 0%, 100%, 0%)
green2(Hex3) cmyk(100%, 0%, 100%, 7%)green3 cmyk(100%, 0%, 100%, 20%)
irish flag(Safe Hex3) cmyk(100%, 0%, 100%, 40%)
green4 cmyk(100%, 0%, 100%, 45%)green(16 SVG) cmyk(100%, 0%, 100%, 50%)
darkgreen(SVG) cmyk(100%, 0%, 100%, 61%)
dumpster cmyk(100%, 0%, 100%, 69%)pinegreen(Safe Hex3) cmyk(100%, 0%, 100%, 80%)
darkturquoise(SVG) cmyk(100%, 1%, 0%, 18%)
turquoise1 cmyk(100%, 4%, 0%, 0%)turquoise2 cmyk(100%, 4%, 0%, 7%)
turquoise3 cmyk(100%, 4%, 0%, 20%)
turquoise4 cmyk(100%, 4%, 0%, 45%)deepskyblue(SVG) cmyk(100%, 25%, 0%, 0%)
deepskyblue2 cmyk(100%, 25%, 0%, 7%)
skyblue5(Safe Hex3) cmyk(100%, 25%, 0%, 20%)deepskyblue3 cmyk(100%, 25%, 0%, 20%)
deepskyblue4 cmyk(100%, 25%, 0%, 45%)
topaz cmyk(100%, 32%, 0%, 12%)slateblue cmyk(100%, 50%, 0%, 0%)
sign blue cmyk(100%, 53%, 0%, 47%)
ty nant cmyk(100%, 72%, 0%, 2%)cichlid cmyk(100%, 76%, 0%, 0%)
blue(Safe 16 SVG Hex3) cmyk(100%, 100%, 0%, 0%)
blue2(Hex3) cmyk(100%, 100%, 0%, 7%)mediumblue(SVG) cmyk(100%, 100%, 0%, 20%)
newmidnightblue cmyk(100%, 100%, 0%, 39%)
darkblue(SVG) cmyk(100%, 100%, 0%, 45%)navy(16 SVG) cmyk(100%, 100%, 0%, 50%)
midnightblue(Safe Hex3) cmyk(100%, 100%, 0%, 80%)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Big Red Taco

Well I guess it's apparent that I'm serious about buying a new truck. It's legroom, a back seat, side curtain airbags, bed track liner system, and a rear view camera that won me over. Plus it's red, a manual 5-speed and a 2010. I'm more anxious every day that I'll have the money to pay for it. I don't think it's a problem, but I've got about a month of waiting before it arrives. I like the feeling of having something to work for. No kids, no mortgage (yet), not a lot of debt, and I already own a 2001 model, so I can save on insurance by making this one a recreational vehicle. I have to say that I didn't get a lot of encouragement initially from friends and family. That is until I reminded them that life is for the living and the points from two sentences back.

Crime and Motivation

We elect politicians, who make laws and hire police to enforce them.

What is the motivation of the police, aside from a paycheck, to actually prevent crime? Sure, they can show up after the fact, clean up, take notes, and track the perpetrators. But by then there are victims and survivors and witnesses who all find their lives changed or ended and their attitudes toward the police diminished. Well, at least, that's what I've observed.

So what will it take to change the culture of the police. They are part of our community but we often view them as the last resort or kind of a buffer from those who would harm us. Moreover, they are a different class of citizen. We have high expectations of them but offer them relatively low pay and poor working conditions.

My first idea is to re-integrate the police into the whole community. In New Orleans, there are about 300,000 residents and close to 2,000 N.O.P.D. officers. That's one for every 1,500 residents. If we could streamline the amount of time they need to write reports through technology and other automation and move them from within cars to a more interactive role, then more of us would know more of them. Waiting until the crime has occurred is too late to build a trust bond between resident and officer of the law. Having a previous relationship is key in law enforcement. How many of us hesitate to involve police for not wanting to get involved and just hoping the prblem will go away. Having police officers that you trust with information that can save a life or protect property and prevent crime is a great resource for both the individual and our city.

Less laws, more enforcement of current laws, less division between police and residents, more individual involvement in reporting and witnessing and above all a District Attorney's office who will prosecute offenders instead of demoralizing police and communities by releasing criminals without trial. Make reporting easier for police, provide bonuses and pay increases for performance, and allow and require them to get to know the people they serve and protect.